What Is Causing My Stomach Pain?

You've likely experienced stomach pain at one point in your life, and, also very likely, you can probably pinpoint the meal that caused all the trouble. But that's not the universal experience, stomach pain, depending on a number of factors, can be a serious cause for concern and often a symptom of an underlying condition. You can learn more about possible causes and complications regarding stomach pain by reaching out directly to our Burleson, TX, gastroenterologist from the Southwest Gastroenterology Clinic and Surgery Center, Dr. Mukhtar Anees.

Common Causes

Indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, food allergies, and food poisoning are among the potential different causes of stomach pain symptoms that are related to digestive issues.

Infection or irritation can cause temporary inflammation of your organs. It can be caused by conditions like GERD, a UTI, peptic ulcer disease, and viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu).

Stomach Pain Treatment in Burleson, TX

If the cause of your stomach pain is related to diet and your symptoms are mild, it's important to switch to small bland meals until you feel better. Pain medication is not often recommended as it can worsen your symptoms, namely non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs).

But see your gastroenterologist if your stomach pain comes in suddenly, if you experience it for more than a couple of days, if it worsens over time instead of getting better, or if you have begun to experience symptoms after an abdominal injury.

If you're experiencing severe symptoms it could be a sign of an internal infection, inflammation, or disease, and usually requires treatment from your gastroenterologist. Your doctor can help determine the underlying cause of your stomach pain and provide you with a tailored treatment for your individual needs. Because there are many possible causes for stomach pain a whole evaluation is typically required.

If you are concerned about stomach pain and other related symptoms, you can schedule a consultation in Burleson, TX, with Dr. Anees of the Southwest Gastroenterology Clinic and Surgery Center by dialing (817) 293-9292.

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